Venous Duplex Ultrasound


Your doctor has requested an ultrasound of your leg veins. Ultrasound is a procedure that uses sound waves to “see” inside your body. This procedure is performed to evaluate symptoms including leg pain or swelling, excessive varicose veins, shortness of breath, or suspected blood clots in your legs and/or lungs

Before Your Exam

There is no preparation for this procedure.

We want to make your waiting time as pleasant as possible. Please consider bringing your favorite magazine, book or music player to help you pass the time.

Please leave your jewelry and valuables at home.

During Your Exam

You will be lying on the exam table on your back with your hands at your sides. The technologist will apply a warm gel to your legs and a transducer or a small microphone will be used to examine your arteries.

You will hear the sound of moving blood during the exam. Do not be alarmed, it is harmless.

Your exam will take approximately 15 to 30 minutes.


Above: An image from a venous duplex vascular ultrasound scan of the right Sapheno-femoral junction in the leg showing blood flow.

After Your Exam

There are no post-exam instructions.